Jacob sheep – Jacobaea vulgaris

Jacob sheep – Jacobaea vulgaris

Jacob sheep – Jacobaea vulgaris

The Jacob sheep is a mammal of the Bovidae family, the Caprinae subfamily and gender sheep.

It has four horns and looks at first like a goat. It comes from Scotland. However it seems that this sheep is of Mediterranean origin and specifically in Mesopotamia in the Middle East. It is also found in Africa, Somalia, Cameroon. It is present in Scotland for over 400 years.

It has a white coat pattern with black spots with some variations of color. It is small sized and wears horns from February to June, usually 4.

The males are larger and stronger than females and their horns are more developed. The spots of the coat can be highly variable from one individual to another. Their head is thin, triangular and symmetric, the legs should be white but can be stained black, not entirely. It must have black on the head, but it should not be completely black and the face and legs must not have wool.
