Northern tamandua – Tamandua mexicana

Northern tamandua – Tamandua mexicana

Northern tamandua – Tamandua mexicana

The Northern tamandua is a species of mammal in the family Myrmecophagidae.

It lives in tropical and subtropical forests from southern Mexico, through Central America, to the limit of the North America and the Andes (Belise, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico , Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, El Salvador, Venezuela ..).

The tamandua has a prehensile tail, small eyes and ears and a long snout. The fur is pale yellow in most of the body, with black fur on the sides, back and shoulders, which look somewhat in shape to a jacket. This color distinguishes from the anteater that has a more uniform color.

It measures 47 to 77 cm for a weight of 2 to 7 kg. Its tail, meanwhile, measuring 40 to 67 cm.

The tail has bristles on its upper face to about one third of its length. The feet have five toes and the front legs have only four fingers.
