Southern tamandua – Tamandua tetradactyla

Southern tamandua – Tamandua tetradactyla

Southern tamandua – Tamandua tetradactyla

The Southern tamandua is a species of anteater from South Africa.

It is also known as collared anteater or lesser anteater.

This species inhabits tropical forests as the arid savannas, where it feeds on termites, ants and bees.

It wraps around the branches its long prehensile tail that it uses to climb trees without falling. It is a solitary animal and it has powerful claws that it uses to break insect nests and for defense.

The tamandua fights its enemies by standing tripod position with the tail as a third leg, such as kangaroos, it emits a very unpleasant odor secreted by its anal glands, which helps to repel intruders.
