Black-capped lory – Lorius lory

Black-capped lory – Lorius lory

Black-capped lory – Lorius lory

The black-capped lory is a bird belonging to the Loriinae subfamily.
It is found from the island of Java to New Guinea.

Like most Loriinae the Black-capped lory has a very colorful plumage, bright red dominates. The forehead, crown, nape, back, chest and belly are shiny black with bluish reflections. The wings are green with a yellow bar on the bottom, so especially
visible when the bird is in flight. Beak and irises are bright orange, anthracite gray legs.

It measures about 31 cm.

There are seven sub-species recognized in the Black-capped lory :

  • Lorius lory
  • CyanauchenSalvadori
  • Lorius lory jobiensis
  • Lorius lory lory
  • Lorius lory salvadorii
  • Lorius lory somu
  • Lorius lory viridi crissalis

It inhabits lowland forest, flooded groves but also the mountain forests up to 1000m.

It is quite common in New Guinea and some islands of the Bay of Geelvink and lives in small groups that meet on flowering trees. Discreet enough, this bird makes daily trips between its forest dormitories and food areas. It feeds on flowers, pollen, buds, berries, immature seeds, larvae and insects. It particularly appreciates the flowers climbing plants.

The breeding season begins in May. The female lays two eggs in a nest built in a hollow tree. Incubation lasts 23 to 26 days. Young fly around the age of 9 weeks.

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