Black-and-white ruffed lemur – Varecia variegata

Black-and-white ruffed lemur – Varecia variegata

Black-and-white ruffed lemur – Varecia variegata

Black-and-white ruffed lemurs are very rare animals. These are small lemurs are only found on the east coast of Madagascar, on the peninsula of a mountain called Masoala. As mammals, they are part of the phylum Chordata vertebrates, class of placental mammals of the order Primates strepsirhiniens strepsirhines, family Lémuridés lémurinés, of the genus Varecia, and species of variegata.
These lemurs are about 60 cm and weigh 6 kg depending on the subspecies.Ruffed lemurs are divided into two subspecies according to their colors. Black-and-white ruffed lemur and red ruffed lemur which are the most numerous. Redheads are larger than black and white. They have a red fur but their tails and their faces are black. They also have a white patch on the neck.

Ruffed lemurs do not live in society, however, they gather during wet seasons where there is abundant food resources. When dry season arrives, the group disperses. These monkeys feed mainly on fruits, but also leaves and insects. They live in tropical forests. They are very intelligent animals. They move easily from tree to tree and they lie on the grass when they are tired.
Ruffed lemurs are the pride of Madagascar. They fascinate tourists and are among the most important tourist attractions of the Big Island. However, these are endemic animals and are in danger of extinction due to deforestation and predators that hunt their meat.
After mating, ruffed lemurs take approximately 145 days for gestation. They can carry one to three babies. When females give birth, they make a nest to lay their offspring. The latter are born blind and are extremely fragile. Many of them fail to reach adulthood. Ruffed lemurs live about 15 years, life expectancy up to 20 years if they are in captivity.



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