Tufted capuchin – Cebus Apella

Tufted capuchin – Cebus Apella

Tufted capuchin – Cebus Apella

The Tufted capuchin, also known as brown capuchin, black-capped capuchin or pin monkey, is a species of primate in South America, especially many in Brazil.

There is no sexual dimorphism, although males are generally heavier than the female. They have a short, silky brown coat and sometimes yellow shoulders, brown back, rump and flanks. The belly, chest and throat are reddish brown, the arms are yellow at the top and black at the bottom and reddish brown. The blackish-brown tail above and below, with a black brush contrast.

It measures 38 to 43 cm with a tail of 40 to 45 cm. The weight of the male varies 3.5 to 4 kg, 2.5 to 3 kg for the female.

Almost omnivorous tendency to frugivore it eats ants, wasps, centipedes and scorpions. It searches for insects in low and middle strata of the forest.

The females follows and constantly seek the male with postures, prompting gestures, facial expressions and vocalizations special. The female waits for the male to answer in the same way and accompanies, which is far from always the case. It only copulates once a day. After much touching, partners mate in dorsoventral position. After copulation, the species practice mutual rises: in turn, the female embraces the male waist and overlaps the lower back. During the last two days of heat, the dominant male tightens its guard around females, away subordinates. But when it relaxes its attention, they take the opportunity to mate with another suitor, so it can not be entirely certain of its paternity. The alpha male will fly to the rescue of a little, it believes it begotten, but will be more aggressive towards young born before coming to power.

They have a longevity of life of 20 years in the wild and up to 45 years in captivity.
