Aardwolf – Proteles cristatus

Aardwolf – Proteles cristatus

The Aardwolf or Protele – Proteles cristata
The aardwolf is an mammal belonging to the family of hyènes. It measures between 80 cm and 105 cm in length and 40 to 50 centimeters in height, and weighing between 8 to 15kg.
The protele is located in northern South Africa to Angola and southern Zambia, Central Tanzania, and the North East of Sudan.
The protele lives in a treeless habitat; it prefers grasslands, savannas, rocky and bushy areas.
His coat is particularly yellowish white, red, with large black vertical stripes on the back and legs. It has a black mane and a black bushy tail with yellowish tints. We can distinguish by two black spots that cover his eyes.The protele has a very original power, unlike hyenas that we consider charognardes, the protele is insectivorous, it feeds mainly termites reapers. It is very difficult to see a day protèle, it is nocturnal and shy. It adapts to the lifestyle of termites, which essentially activate the evening or night, for fear the light of day. The protele is able to absorb 250,000 per night.  The protele is monogamous, and defines his hunting ground, if intruders cross the boundary, the fight will be serious.

Its territory can reach 1 to 2 km², it digs a burrow and runneth to sleep and find a little freshness.
The protele female has a gestation period of 59 to 61 days, there is general 2 to 4 pups per litter, born in spring or summer. They can not get out of the burrow before 8 weeks and eat termites to 3 months.
We believe 13-year life for protèle in captivity, it is still a rare animal, but even in the 80 ‘, a cleaning of the mammalian family, this hope remains stable.
